We are pulling more data from the Objective Management Group data warehouse of nearly 1.9 million assessments and evaluations of sales professionals. Today let’s look at how a salesperson’s need to for Approval by their prospect or customer reduces their effectiveness.
Let's take another look inside the @Objective Management Group data. Today, we will look at what effect a salesperson's need for approval (Sales DNA) has on their effectiveness. See Graphic Below.
I want to highlight a couple of the results of when this presents as a hidden weakness in a salesperson. When a salesperson is NOT effective at being Consultative, Qualifying or Selling Value, that means they cannot ask good questions or enough questions.
Asking Questions and Actively listening are essential to be effective in sales.
The need to be liked can have a dramatic effect on the salesperson's prospecting. If they need the prospect to like them they are less likely to make that call or reach the people that can say Yes.
How many on your sales team have a need to be liked?
Does your hiring process for salespeople screen for this competency?
If you lead a B2B company with at least 5 salespeople and would like to know learn more, there are two links here that might help.
Contact us today for help with your process!
More effective Sales Hiring Process Information
How to Fix 11 Sales DNA Weaknesses in 21 Days
Free Test Drive of Predictive Sales Assessment