I was discussing career choices with my 16-year-old daughter the other day. Since pre-school she has been very clear. Veterinarian, specifically an Equine Vet.
She owns a horse is a Hunter/Jumper equestrian. She works very hard at the barn and believes it is important to understand all aspects of horsemanship (the health & well being of the animal, proper care and safety, as well as mucking stalls).
Discussing the various aspects of becoming a Vet with her, the outcomes that Veterinarian’s must encounter each day, and income potential, the conversation lead me to consider the various roles of sales leaders, it made me think about our roles as sales leaders and managers.
I broke down the non-sales aspects of sales leadership and identified five other “jobs” that are common in the Western world that sales leaders must tap into similar skills. Sales leaders need these attributes in their daily execution of their work.
- Mediator. Create an environment where everyone is safe to share their opinions. Inevitably, differences of opinion will come about, but the sales leader must be consistent with the beliefs, ethics, and core values to balance the individual, customer, team and company’s interests.
- Air Traffic Controller. There are many activities, individuals, customers, prospects, employees, governance, and policies to consider moving everyone through the space safely and efficiently. Adherence to policy and protocols when making decisions is essential.
- Interpreter. Sales leaders must be an advocate at times from different perspectives and provide clear context around everyone’s position. It is essential to understand the nuance of the situation and make sure there isn’t a misconception about intent of words or deeds.
- Theatrical Director. A Broadway show has dialogue. Actors should be in a certain spot on cue. Lighting needs to be correct. There is a framework for each scene, a process, yet creativity is allowed to flourish. Salespeople have a process, yet are allowed some creativity of their personality to execute the consultative process.
- Social Worker. It is necessary to listen to the team, management and customers with an empathetic ear, to understand the situation. It is also important to know the rules and how to provide the resources necessary to allow the individual to grow.
Each of us have strengths and weaknesses as sales leaders. Where can you grow? Learn the process, get in contact with us today!