You're Hired!
Every single day, business owners and managers wrestle with how do you grow sales?
It's dissected in hundreds of articles and dozens of books. Each offering its own set of complex solutions.
How Do You Grow Sales?
According to all our research, one area makes hitting revenue goals easier. Elevating your sales talent.
Of course you say, and enter eye roll here. But it is true. I will share a big secret recruiters don't want you to know that is a game changer for hiring high performers in a few lines.
In 2017, CareerBuilder polled 2,257 hiring managers and HR professionals. 74% admitted to hiring the wrong candidates. 30% said they felt pressure to hire fast. This ties to comments I hear every week from mid-market business owners and sales leaders.
"I gotta fill this position fast”
“Anyone is better than no one."
"I have to find someone with our industry experience."
"I can't afford to make another bad hire."
Have you ever uttered any of those lines?
Segue - A College Football Analogy.
Think about what Nick Saban built at the University of Alabama. He won a few championships and built an amazing legacy. Saban's system is the repeatable engine. But, he has said scouting and recruiting great athletes fueled the engine. However, something happened in college football.
Nick didn't retire because my alma mater beat Alabama in the Rose Bowl. He retired because the rules of scouting and recruitment changed. The kids want to get paid. The fundamental shift in college football is different than your situation. Your people always wanted to get paid. The issue is you probably haven't been scouting and recruiting like Nick.
Mid-market companies who scout and recruit like Saban win more. Doing the work to get the right people takes effort and a strategy. Getting the right talent for your system is also critical. You know this, but do you know how critical embracing this strategy is to the success to scaling your sales? You need a plan.
What happens when you don't embrace and execute on a good strategy? Failure. And failure will happen if you don't change your sales hiring strategy. It will impede growth. Compromise or given to pressure to fill a spot at your own peril.
I mentioned a secret. Here it is. You need to hire salespeople different than you hire the rest of your employees. Think about it. Salespeople are different. They need to go out and do things no one wants to do. Like fail and face resistance. So, why hire the salesperson the same way you hire an admin or finance person? The job is different.
My approach is not difficult. However, it requires a different mindset.
The Main Steps...
1) Rethink the role description. What must the candidate be great at doing? Sales or Bus Dev?
2) Rethink the job posting. Attract the ideal candidates. Repel the duds.
3) Use a Predictive Sales Assessment. Magic. It is different.
4) Ruthlessly Qualify the Candidates. Screen. Structured Interviews. Stop selling the wrong candidates.
5) Confirm Culture Fit. Structured questions.
6) Compelling Offer. Now you sell the role, the company, and the earnings.
7) Comp Plan. On target earnings should create wins for everyone.
8) Onboarding. Top performers want to perform, fast. Onboard well.
Why Change? If what you are doing is yielding high performers at a great than 90% rate, than don't change. If you think it could be better, changing the approach might work.
Invest in talent. Be smart about it.
You don't give $500,000 to Uncle Sal the butcher because he has a hot stock tip. Growing a business is about making smart investment decisions. Lots of them. You do research and investigate. So, when it comes to salespeople, why do so many compromise?
High standards don't fail in the long run. When you compromise on standards while hiring a salesperson or sales manager they will always fail or at least disappoint you.
What is the Solution? Sales Hiring Secrets.
You want research, and a clear understanding to how change the sales talent on your team? I provide Sales Hiring Secrets It is a program that explains exactly the steps you need to fix your sales hiring problem. I will give you scripts, the sample job postings, the checklists, and the questions to ask.
You get all of the details. I explain the entire process and provide the tools for $97. The structure interview questions and job postings are worth more than that.
At the end of the program, I make offer if you want to pay for speed. The offer is to teach your team how to do this. We walk through the entire process for one hire, start to finish. Your team has the secrets and can continue to hire high performers after that. The next program date is here. Go check it out.
Better sales talent makes accountability easier. Implementing a sales process faster. Most important, revenue increases faster.