If you want to jump into sales, should you have a sales master mind to act as your mentor?
Having a sales mentor can provide the catalyst for your growth, especially if you are looking to expand your selling skills and to increase your confidence.
Walter welcomes Nate Tutas of Membrain to talk about his sales mastermind. They talk about elevating yourself in the eyes of the sales leader and where exactly you can start. Nate also describes his experiences transitioning to technology and how he and his team were able to change the customer’s experience. Other than that, Walter also gave a glimpse of what the new show’s program will be for the next coming weeks.
- What’s in it for 2022? - 1:32
- Nate’s thoughts on the “thinking mastermind” idea. - 3:07
- When the founder needs to step away and the CEO needs to come in? - 7:39
- The Chief Executive Officer should really have that change from Chief Executive to Chief Effectiveness Officer. - 9:13
- Nate’s sales background before getting into sales management. - 12:49
- Elevating yourself in the eyes of the sales leader. - 19:28
- Changing the customer’s experience. - 25:27
- Where to go from there? - 27:41
- Transitioning to the technology piece. - 30:16
- The driving mission embedded to people at Membrain. - 32:24
- Not sitting still. - 36:56
- The real focus of the series. - 39:15
- What it means to “go out of the baggage.”
41:31 - How do you want your salespeople to be thinking differently about their deals tomorrow than the way they do it today? - 46:01
- Being fascinated with coaching. 48:55
- Is it difficult to switch to sales management? - 53:33
- Reaching out to Nate and his team from Membrain. - 56:59
Episode Resources
- Connect with Walter Crosby
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/walterlcrosby/
- https://helixsalesdevelopment.com/
- https://helixsalesdevelopment.com/podcast/
- [email protected]
- Connect with Nate Tutas
- https://www.linkedin.com/company/membraincom/
- [email protected]
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/nlpcoach