Sales and Cigars The Cigar Special with Ross Reida
Walter sits down with former guest and fan of the podcast, Ross Reida for a special episode on cigars. Walter and Ross pick their top five cigars, what to pair with them, and why they go well with bourbon or scotch. If you love cigars, or have someone in your life who loves them, this may help you understand that love, and give you some ideas for gifts. This is a fun episode filled with great stories and laughs. So grab a cocktail, grab a cigar and strap in for this special episode of Sales and Cigars.
Get your copy of Walter Crosbys new Book:
“The 7 Critical Mistakes CEOs Make With Their Sales Organization That Stop The Company From Scaling”
Connect with Walter Crosby:
- [email protected]
- Connect with Ross Reida
- [email protected]