What is the key to coaching a successful sales team? How can you ensure that your team’s performance is optimized for greater results?
For today’s episode, Walter welcomes Lynn Pickford. Lynn is the author of Coaching Winning Sales Team, an essential read for sales leaders and sales professionals. Together, they discuss how Lynn was able to come up with the book along with the different approaches she’s using, especially when dealing with a low performer. They also touched the topics of positive accountability, feedback, and the mindset piece.
- The idea that was explained in the interview. - 0:36
- How things came together. - 2:24
- It’s natural. It’s just human nature not to want to be scared. Feedback can be a scary thing for most people. - 5:33
- The point of making the book. - 10:54
- The big mindset piece. - 14:23
- Positive accountability. - 17:40
- An approach to a low performer person. - 18:47
- Other things that Lynn is doing right now. - 23:12Episode Resources
- Connect with Walter Crosby
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/walterlcrosby/
- https://helixsalesdevelopment.com/
- https://helixsalesdevelopment.com/podcast/
- [email protected]
- Connect with Lynn Pickford
- Coaching Winning Sales Team
- https://www.sales-eq.com/sales-eq-academy